Dienstag, 30. August 2005
Traduttore traditore
Der Übersetzer ist ein Verräter, heißt es in einer italienischen Redewendung. Soll heißen, die Übersetzung begeht immer auch einen Verrat am Ursprungstext. Wer's nicht glaubt, kann sich ja mal die Babelfish-Übersetzung eines Eintrags auf der dunklen Seite ansehen, die ich in meinen Referrern gefunden habe. Und die kurioserweise auch bei den Herren Kid und Le Teil auftauchte. Jetzt sehe ich, dass ein Beitrag bei Frau Wasweissich auch durch die Übersetzungsmühle gedreht wurde. Den hatte ich auch kommentiert, und da frag ich mich natürlich schon, ob ich vielleicht einen Babelfish-Virus in der Blogosphäre verbreite. Wer ähnliche Beobachtungen in seinen Referrern machen kann oder andere sachdienliche Hinweise zum Thema hat, darf sich gerne melden. Ich habe diese bescheuerte Automatik-Übersetzung jedenfalls nicht verbrochen. Auf Anfrage (und gegen angemessenes Honorar) kann ich aber eine handgemachte englische Übersetzung von Beiträgen liefern.

And now for something completely different...

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Your "black single centrifuge" seems to be an interesting device.

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Oh, yes indeed!
Especially in winter it can perform turnarounds that were not intended by the manufacturer - or by the driver. Especially on snowy roads it can turn into a merry-go-round...

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With babelfish's support you can surf in internet and it will translate every site you chose. So there was someone, who was curious about what's going on in german blogs.

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as a matter of fact I was pondering this possibility. But why on earth should anyone out there in the english-speaking world consider my small D-list-blog being a valuable example for blogging in Germany?

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Perhaps he was just bored, klicked here and there and anywhere giggeling about that rubbish german bloggers write...

(he also read my blog)

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Maybe we are all in the news by now.

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Better than "in the army now" ...


(Shit, now I have an earworm!)

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Yup, rubbish.
Reading the weird translation I had difficulties to remember what I had written in the original posting.
So this reader's tour could indeed have been some sort of fun - or at least a strange experience.

@kid: Yes, or some student is making a presentation before his class: ...and here you see the terrible third-world-style state of blogging in Germany...

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Oh no, earworms!
*shriek* And here we go:

A vacation in a foreign land
Uncle Sam does the best he can
you 're in the Army now
oooho you 're in the Army now...

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No no no! I summ "alle main a Antshen" now!

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And I consider
writing my next postings in English. And check afterwards if there is a significant growth in international traffic on this site;-)))

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Oh, you're a trafficjunkie?

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Not really.
But being trained in analyzing readership data from magazines and tv ratings I find it interesting to take a closer look at the website traffic from time to time. Right now both counters are down, so the referrers list is the only information I can rely on. But it doesn't really matter since there is not much to count here these days anyway...

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Thx for the next earworm:

"Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'"

(Bob Dylan)


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My oh my!
Perhaps I should start a "worst earworm ever contest" on the dark side. But how do I get all those shitty songs out of my head afterwards?

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Oh, but that would be much more stylefull (and perhaps more funny eather) than the contest in the neighbourhood...

What about this one to be the teaser?


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This is horrible! And besides that, it takes hours to load this thing down. After viewing this boneshaking shocker-video I ask myself if the b***job-story-contest is really such a bad idea in comparison. No, wait: IT IS SUCH A BAD IDEA. After reading the opener of the competition I am dead sure that I don't want to read any more of that stuff. I don't give a shit for all those bad b***jobs still to come. Too bad I can't kick that site off my blogroll any more (in fact, I have kicked it after the "worst injury pic contest"). Anyway: how about doing the earworm contest on your site - you've already got the opener...???

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I'm very upset. But I think, thes this would confuse me more than I'm confused these days anyway. Tomorrow I will start a new job and I don't know how my employer thinks about blogged earworms in the office. The danger of infecting the hole company is very high indeed!

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OK, I understand.
Congrats to your new job - I wish you a good start. So we have to develop a plan b. I have no time either for a contest - since I am facing an urgent deadline. Perhaps we can convince Ms. Seelchen that this worst-earworm-contest is just what her blog needs. I happen to know that she is very keen on contests and blogger actions anyway - and maybe she reads this and takes action...

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Thanks, I hope to have a good start too. But today I'm just nervous, doing silly things. And I have a Dampfbügeleisen that doesn't dampf! But my businessdress looks very ugly yet. I'm going MAD!

Oh, I'm sure, that Ms. LittleSoul will be glad to hear about her new project!

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Currently playing in my head:


"I'm goin crayayzy..."

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Oh, no!
Listen, why don't you fix your steam iron and put your working outfit in shape? SHAKIN STEVEN SUCKS!

So I have no other choice:
"Haaaaaaaiwäi tu häll..."

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In fact this very cool song fits too! Ok, you're guilty. Tomorrow I'll have a centrifuge trauma. I'm not in a habit of banging anymore!

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Then there's no need to sing "Enter Sandman" (Metallica) now... ;-)

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No, not yet...

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